
If you have questions, comments, or suggestions, please use the contact form below to get in touch.

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How can I add my own languages to CodeRunner?

CodeRunner's run system is based on simple terminal commands, and therefore if you know the terminal commands involved in running/compiling code in your language, you can easily add it to CodeRunner. To add languages, go to Preferences -> Languages, and click the "+" button. In the "Run Command" text box, enter the command you use to run the language from the terminal. E.g. if the interpreter is called mylang, you would enter mylang $filename here.

If your language uses several commands to run, you can use a CodeRunner compile script. Check the box "Language uses compile script" and click the "Edit Script..." button. This will open the compile script in the CodeRunner editor. The script will contain a further explanation of how to use it.

For more information about adding language configurations, please see CodeRunner's help topics, accessible from the Help menu within the app.

How can I add syntax highlighting for a language that's not already included?

CodeRunner uses TextMate syntax definitions which are widely available online, usually as .tmLanguage or .plist files. To find syntax files, do a web search for "<language> + tmlanguage". To install syntax files, drop them onto the CodeRunner dock icon or choose "Import Syntax File..." from the CodeRunner Menu -> Text -> Syntax Mode (scroll all the way down.)

Go code completion is delivering intermittent/incomplete results.

Try using Go version 1.13, which can be downloaded here.

I made a custom language, theme, key bindings set, compound command, or debugger configuration. Can it be included in the official release?

Yes! Please export the files and send them by email to support at coderunnerapp dot com, and they will be considered for inclusion in a future release.

Something isn't working right after upgrading CodeRunner from an older version.

Try resetting CodeRunner's configuration to the defaults. Note that this will delete any custom languages, themes, key bindings, preferences, and other custom items you may have added. To reset CodeRunner's configuration, quit the app and delete the files/directories located at ~/Library/Application Support/CodeRunner/ and ~/Library/Preferences/com.krill.CodeRunner.plist and ~/Library/Autosave Information/com.krill.CodeRunner.plist
If you're still having issues after deleting these files, please get in touch using the contact form above.

What are the differences between the App Store version and the website version?

The version distributed on the Mac App store has App Sandboxing enabled to comply with Apple's requirements. In most circumstances this does not cause any issues, but you may occasionally have trouble, especially if you're working with compiled languages. In such cases, CodeRunner will ask if you would like to download the website version, which is free for App Store customers. In general, it is recommended that you use the website version if you have the choice.

Where can I find further help/documentation for CodeRunner?

CodeRunner includes a number of help topics which can be accessed within the app from the Help menu.